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Hot Sale Guitar Speaker and Its Work Principle

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Sound moves in pressure waves. When a particle of air is compressed and thinned out quickly enough, we hear it. The faster the change in air pressure, the higher the 'frequency' of the sound we hear. Let guitar speaker manufacturer QIJIAN show you the work principle of the loudspeaker.

The components

Cone and dust cap (the parts that move the air and produce the sound).

Spiders and surrounds (hold the cones in place while still allowing them to move).

Magnets and voice coils (the parts that interact to convert electrical energy into movement).

Baskets, Rods and top plates.

The frame that holds everything together.

How a speaker works

Loudspeakers work by converting electrical energy into mechanical energy (motion). The mechanical energy compresses the air and converts the motion into sound energy or sound pressure level (SPL).

When an electric current passes through a coil, it induces a magnetic field.

In a loudspeaker, the current is sent through the voice coil, which creates an electric field that interacts with the magnetic field of the permanent magnet attached to the loudspeaker.

Identical charges repel each other and dissimilar charges attract each other. As the audio signal is sent through the voice coil and the musical waveform moves up and down, the voice coil is attracted and repelled by the permanent magnets.

This causes the cone to which the voice coil is attached to move back and forth. The back and forth movement creates pressure waves in the air, which we think of as sound.


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Many of the speakers we use have a limited frequency response. Most speakers also have a low power output. Ever tried playing music on your phone at a party? I'm sure it's not a very lively party.

Many speakers also produce distortion, which means they add frequencies to the music that are not present in the original recording.

On average, larger speakers are much better in terms of frequency response and distortion, but a big improvement is the ability to produce better, more accurate sound from smaller speakers.

A new material for loudspeakers: graphene. Graphene is a cool new material that was first discovered in 2004. It has dramatically improved the performance of loudspeakers. Graphene is the strongest and lightest material in existence. Because it is so light, it can move very fast and is perfect for high frequencies.

New materials and their applications are the future of loudspeaker technology. They will solve the efficiency and sound problems that loudspeakers have endured for decades. Please contact us to buy the perfect bluetooth speaker you want.

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